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Weekly Circle of Protection

20 June, 2018 @ 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Every day 100’s of immigrants stand in line in the sun, the heat, the cold and the rain for hours and hours just to learn if they are still worthy to stay in the land of the free, or will they be imprisoned and deported, destroying lives and families They have no access to bathrooms. Friends of Miami-Dade Detainees, United We Dream, Women Working Together Usa, United Families and others have maintained a weekly presence at this ICE fortress for 7 months to bear witness, and to provide support with water, coffee, donuts, snacks, and humanity. Please take even an hour to show where you stand.

Todos los días, cientos de inmigrantes hacen colas en el sol, el calor, el frío y la lluvia durante horas y horas solo para saber si aún son dignos de quedarse en este pais , o serán encarcelados y deportados, destruyendo vidas y familias
No tienen acceso a baños. Friends of Miami Dade Detainees, United We Dream, Women Working Together USA, United Families y otros han mantenido una presencia semanal en esta fortaleza de ICE durante meses para ser testigos y brindar apoyo con agua, café, donas, bocadillos y humanidad. Por favor, tome unas pocas horas para mostrar su apoyo.


20 June, 2018
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Friends of Miami Dade Detainees, United We Dream, Women Working Together USA,


Immigration and Customs Enforcement
pin Immigration and Customs Enforcement 2845 SW 145th Ave. Miramar, FL 33027 + Google Map